Saturday, October 4, 2008

Crazy way to meet someone

It goes something like this..."Hi, my name is Debbie, I am going to take over for your other nurse because she is going to do a delivery in another room."
"Hi, nice to meet you" - smiles...."but I think my water just broke"
"Well let me check" - life the sheet and sure enough there is water on the bed
"Let me check you" - I put on a glove while the patient starts to pant with another contraction.
"Oh shoot!" As the head starts to deliver....I push the call light..."can I get some help in here?"
So, as I struggle to put on gloves and precede to deliver the baby of a woman that I just met....the baby comes out,cord around the neck and all...I lift it up on to mom's chest since I have no table with instruments to cut the cord, dry it off with mom's gown and tell her to "hold on to your little girl while I get some supplies".
Cord gets cut, help finally arrives and the patient and I talk about what an interesting meeting that was. I have to apologize for not even getting to know her first. She really was quite the nicest lady. Sometimes my job is just a little wacky...

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