Saturday, April 14, 2012

Little Sister Olivia

One of my recent comfort care patients gave birth to
a little girl named Olivia.
Olivia had Trisomy 18. 
Her mom made this video for Olivia's memorial service and decided to share it in the hopes that it may some how help other parents.

This baby only ever knew love.
She had a family that cherished her even with her issues.
I think her mother does a great job sharing her emotions and
her struggle with the news that her baby may not live.
She pleads with God.
She asks for it to not be true.
And in the end, she only wanted to see her baby alive.
Olivia was born alive.

She lived with her family for 7 weeks - dying on her 7 week birthday.
I had the honor of working with the family prior to the birth.
I also cared for them during her delivery. 
I held, fed and changed this little girl two days before she passed.

She taught me what love is about.
She taught me to prepare our parents for the possibility of  their baby going home.
She taught me how to celebrate life.
She taught me to slow down and cherish my family.
She was one special little girl .
Her family is an amazing family - gracious and honest.

Grab a box of kleenex, turn down the volume on my side bar play list and
 get ready to learn about love at it's finest.
I believe that you have to click on the video,  to watch it on youtube as the
video can not be embedded but it is worth clicking on the link.

Thank you Olivia's parents for sharing this video with all of us.
Your little girl's life was not lived in vain.
I am honored to have met all of you and
I know that one day you will be reunited in Heaven with your baby girl.

Thank you little Olivia for all that you have taught me!
This is why I do the job I do...


Holly said...


Dana said...

Wow I just found your blog and this is beautiful! I've worked in the PICU for the last 7 years and certainly see a lot of tough things, but I don't know how you do comfort care! Thank you for doing what you truly takes a special nurse to do that! And good luck as you journey through school!