Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wanted to be On-Call

I just wanted to be on-call this morning.
I don't want to work and do school.
I'm tired and my brain is full of information that needs to be put on paper.
I can't keep up this pace.
I just wanted to be on-call.
But my phone did not ring.
No one asked me if I wanted to stay home.
I dragged myself out of bed.
I filled up with coffee.
I went to work with my poor attitude.
I just wanted to be on-call.
I didn't want to be at work...

Yet, I ended up having the sweetest little couple to care for.
They were having their fourth baby.
She did not want an epidural.
She would be monitored then walk around the room, then be monitored, then get back up again.
She worked with me and I was able to get out of my funk.
By the time she delivered I was actually enjoying myself.
She did labor well - hardly a peep out of her.
She had a precious little newborn and it was lovely seeing her three older children come in to meet their newest sibling.
The cutest picture was taken as everyone climbed on to the bed and celebrated being a family of 6.

Guess I wasn't meant to stay on-call today.
I needed the reminder of why I do my job and this patient did that for me today.
One of my nurse girlfriends even said to me - "you need those once in a while - the good ones that keep you coming back"
Thankyou cute patient for doing that for me today.

1 comment:

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Rewarding is the best job descriptor I have ever known and you saw that today in spades. Love the vignette you painted about the older siblings. Thanks for sharing, Debbie.