I worked on antepartum today...my favorite place. Oh that is so not true!
But I can't even begin to explain why I struggle with working out there. The pace is just different and the patients have more medical needs vs. obstetrical needs....which often leaves me feeling so very inadequate. I did my turn though...with a smile on my face (remember I was trying to have a better attitude about working out there.)Actually it wasn't so bad today - I think I am luckier than some staff nurses for I also do relief charge. Lately I have done my fair share of relief charge days so I have gotten to know the antepartum patients from receiving report as a charge RN and visiting the patients in that role. When I went out there this morning I felt like I already knew my patients which made my day go much smoother. I was able to get both of them discharged home so spent the last couple of hours of my shift just helping out in labor and delivery.
Update on yesterday - my day off with so much to do and no desire to do those things -I got them all done, plus cooked a yummy dinner (I don't cook much anymore since the kids have all grown up) and I got to read a little before I went to bed. Good day off I will say.
And as for school finals - I did just fine. My friend, Debbie says I stress too much and she says, "you always do fine. Why are you worrying?". She helps me stay focused and grounded. I passed both tests. Aced the speech exam. Not really sure how I did on the algebra exam but I got an A in the class so I must have done OK.
GO LAKERS!! Just had to throw that in there since every TV in this house is on the game.

1 comment:
I think it's good you put a smile on your face even though you don't enjoy it as much. It can make a big difference!!
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