Sunday, June 20, 2010

Vacation ~ Hospital??

Today was my first day of vacation. I got to sleep in and went to church. It was Father's day and I had planned to spend the afternoon with my dad and the rest of the family.

But, that isn't how the day went exactly. I was able to go over to my parents for a short little bit but then Erika said that she really wasn't feeling well and felt like she needed to be seen today. I had been trying to encourage her to just wait until tomorrow to see her regular doctor at a regular doctor visit. She had seen him Friday and I just thought we could follow up tomorrow. I just hate to go to the emergency room if it really isn't urgent. Ask my kids - one of the draw backs of having a parent that is in the medical field is that you need to be really sick before we pay attention. Like the bone better be sticking out of your broken arm!

Erika doesn't complain much though ~ so I knew that when she said that she couldn't wait until tomorrow that she must be really hurting. Yesterday I posted about how she has been sick all week. She really wasn't getting better.

I made a few phone calls and we headed to the emergency room. Her doctor was actually looking for her in the back before we even got through admitting. Erika thought that was cool...that she was seen so quickly. She thanked me for my 'connec
tions' to getting her in without any delay. Not many physicians meet you there! Thank you Dr A.!!!

Long story short...she got admitted for IV fluids and IV antibiotics.
They were able to get her pain under control with a little morphine and her headache under control with some tylenol. She was still running a fever when I left but feeling better - probably due to the drugs and the IV fluid (she was a bit dehydrated).Hopefully she will be home soon. We are waiting on some lab work and cultures. Obviously her immune system is a bit compromised at the moment.

That is how I spent my first day of vacation - at my place of employment...someone that doesn't seem quite right!
Get better E! I'll see you in the morning :)

1 comment:

DreamTNM said...

Just found your blog from another blog. Glad I found your blog. I'm 7 weeks pregnant but having some issues, just praying all goes well. I'll be snooping around your blog if you don't mind :)